Fiesta San Antonio Abad – Menorca

We had a wander into Es Castell square yesterday morning to see what the Fiesta San Antonio Abad was about, given our knowledge of all things Menorcan is still very limited.  Apparently, during the Fiesta a mass is held in honour of Saint Anthony, the patron saint of animals, with a procession offering animal blessings.

We sat for a while in the square watching a large JCB levelling out a great mound of sand and wondering what all that was about.  Slowly but surely more and more people and their animals started appearing in the square, also drawn to the JCB and its amazing manouvering abilities.

After some time people started heading off, with their animals, in the direction of the local church so we decided to follow and at the same time received a call from my brother saying “Aren’t you coming”.  Five minutes later we arrived in the right place and were surrounded by quite a selection of animals/pets, all waiting in line to be blessed by the local priest.


Included in the line up was an obviously well-loved cuddly toy dog and a bowl with two goldfish in it!

After the smaller animals had been blessed, the majestic Menorcan horses were then ridden past the priest to be blessed – causing a couple to be a little jittery, which is understable, having water sprinkled in their faces.  The fact these beautiful animals were literally just inches away from the crowd didn’t appear to unnerve or concern anyone – can you imagine that back in the UK?


Apparently the horses are back in the square today at midday, hence all the sand being prepared yesterday – something I definitely don’t want to miss.  I am not really a big fan of horses (if truth be told they rather frighten me!) but these horses are so beautiful and stand so proud.  Perfect day too – blue skies and lots of sunshine around.